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Select Wellness | Frontline
Tales from the Frontline of Executive Wellbeing ArticlesMartinewellness

Tales from the Frontline of Executive Wellbeing

Are you an Overfunctioner? Sarah had all the attributes of a high functioning and valued executive - diligent, perfectionistic, goal oriented, responsible, reliable, energetic, a great communicator and an incredibly supportive manager to her team. It was no surprise to me that Sarah was Group Director of a thriving financial services company and seen by the CEO as his logical…
Select Wellness
February 13, 2020
Select Wellness | Mental Health in the workplace
How much for your Wellbeing? Mental Health crisis in the Legal Industry ArticlesMartine

How much for your Wellbeing? Mental Health crisis in the Legal Industry

The crisis in wellbeing in the legal industry has received increased attention in the media recently with SafeWork NSW and WorkSafe in Vic investigating allegations of unsafe work practices in two top tier legal firms. With 12-hour days and 6-day weeks viewed as standard, and some teams clocking up weeks of 15 hours days and on occasion sleeping at work,…
Select Wellness
February 13, 2020
Select Wellness | articles - eating well
How might we be with an extra day up our sleeve each week? Articles

How might we be with an extra day up our sleeve each week?

Remember the headlines last year about the company in NZ operating on a 4-day week with record productivity? It seems to have really got people talking. HR folks, bosses and line managers alike have had their imaginations captured – and conversations are bubbling away in cities and boardrooms across Australia. Could there be something sweet in the air, besides the…
Select Wellness
February 13, 2020
The facts and figures on wellbeing as a driver of thriving humans and business Articles

The facts and figures on wellbeing as a driver of thriving humans and business

Firstly, thanks to our amazing and engaged community of readers for all your responses to our last piece about the impact of mental ill-health and low wellbeing, and how if left unmanaged it may lead to a whole range of distress and loss of function for the humans in our workplace, and suboptimal consequences for business performance. It really got…
Select Wellness
February 13, 2020
Select Wellness | workplace wellbeing
The three pillars of building economically and socially thriving organisations Articles

The three pillars of building economically and socially thriving organisations

Our ‘building economically and socially thriving organisations’ infographic has been a runaway hit with those who saw it in our last edition of Wellbeing Insights. So for this article, I’ll split up the three columns of the graphic and focus on each individually. The columns, you may have realised, represent different aspects of this issue:     Column one –…
Select Wellness
February 13, 2020