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Select Wellness | Articles - rest not sleep

Why it’s rest – not sleep – you could be deprived of

When we ask our GLWS survey clients how they look after themselves, their responses tend to fall into three categories: sleep, exercise and nutrition. The least likely category to get a mention is rest, or ‘taking a break’. Our clients usually associate the word ‘rest’ with either sleep or some form of passive distraction such as a glass of wine,…
Select Wellness
February 13, 2020
Select Wellness | Frontline

Tales from the Frontline of Executive Wellbeing

Are you an Overfunctioner? Sarah had all the attributes of a high functioning and valued executive - diligent, perfectionistic, goal oriented, responsible, reliable, energetic, a great communicator and an incredibly supportive manager to her team. It was no surprise to me that Sarah was Group Director of a thriving financial services company and seen by the CEO as his logical…
Select Wellness
February 13, 2020