Why Over-Functioners Quickly Grow Resentful in the Workplace
Perfectionism and over-functioning bring a host of benefits and are common in highly successful people. Over time, though, they are the chief cause of burnout. Are you an over-functioner?
Sometimes the Biggest Win comes from what you Choose to Lose
We had to make the difficult decision this month to let go of a couple of our clients. I decided to write about this experience and how it reminded me of a decision my son made when he was just 11 years old. As the title says sometimes the biggest win comes from what you choose to lose.
Select WellnessFebruary 13, 2020
Why it’s rest – not sleep – you could be deprived of
When we ask our GLWS survey clients how they look after themselves, their responses tend to fall into three categories: sleep, exercise and nutrition. The least likely category to get a mention is rest, or ‘taking a break’. Our clients usually associate the word ‘rest’ with either sleep or some form of passive distraction such as a glass of wine,…
Select WellnessFebruary 13, 2020
Tales from the Frontline of Executive Wellbeing
Are you an Overfunctioner? Sarah had all the attributes of a high functioning and valued executive - diligent, perfectionistic, goal oriented, responsible, reliable, energetic, a great communicator and an incredibly supportive manager to her team. It was no surprise to me that Sarah was Group Director of a thriving financial services company and seen by the CEO as his logical…
Select WellnessFebruary 13, 2020
How much for your Wellbeing? Mental Health crisis in the Legal Industry
The crisis in wellbeing in the legal industry has received increased attention in the media recently with SafeWork NSW and WorkSafe in Vic investigating allegations of unsafe work practices in two top tier legal firms. With 12-hour days and 6-day weeks viewed as standard, and some teams clocking up weeks of 15 hours days and on occasion sleeping at work,…
Select WellnessFebruary 13, 2020