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Working Towards Wellness: The Business Rationale

a Report compiled in conjunction with Price Waterhouse Coopers

Chronic disease is responsible for more than half of all deaths in the world and is projected to account for two-thirds of all deaths globally in the next 25 years. This progression of chronic disease is occurring despite the fact that these diseases are largely preventable. While the chronic disease epidemic was initially concentrated in developed countries, globalization has caused the increase in chronic disease to be even greater in emerging economies. Countries such as Brazil,China, Russia and India currently lose more than 20 million productive life-years annually to chronic disease, and that number is expected to grow 65% by 2030. This poses significant threats to the vitality of a highly-interdependent global ecosystem, which in turn can threaten the sustainability of already burdened social security systems in industrialized societies.

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Select Wellness

Author Select Wellness

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