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Bosses are burning out. Here’s why

Natasha Boddy
AFR | Work & Careers reporter

…..Martine Beaumont, chief executive of Select Wellness, which specialises in workplace wellbeing, said leaders were the first to be held to account for their decisions, but were often given very little support in terms of managing their risk of burnout in times of pressure.

Martine Beaumont says some of the biggest pressures facing leaders are exhaustion, overscheduled diaries, back-to-back virtual meetings and struggling to motivate exhausted teams.

She said the high number of executives at risk of burnout was a symptom of the 21st-century pressure cooker they are operating in…

"Even pre-COVID-19, leaders were 'other focused' so they're always focused on their teams, their work, so they tend not to have high degrees of self-awareness or self-reflection."

Martine BeaumontChief Executive, Select Wellness
Select Wellness

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